Collectible Copies
These miniature prints are framed in simple wooden frames.
Get $2.00 off any size easel with purchase of a framed copy!

An American Bison relaxing in the meadow. This was inspired by a trip to Yellowstone National Park in 2019. On of our best memories! Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame and ready for your mini wall. Image Size: 2 3/8"x 1 5/8" Framed Print: $18.
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A young couple watch a horse drawn taxi go by. This is a scene inspired by our trip to Dresden (2017). It was a magical experience! Award Winner! Framed in a simple miniature wood frame. Framed Print: $18. Image size: 3"x1 7/8"
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Flamingos are such a site to see! I've always wanted to paint them! It might be a bit too large to fit into a miniature room, unless it was an ultra modern one. Framed in a miniature wooden frame. Will look great on a little easel! Framed Print: $28. Image size: 4"x 3"
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Our trip to Yellowstone was an incredible inspiration. The American Bison is magnificent and their babies adorable! Framed in a simple wood miniature frame. It will look amazing in your miniature room. Image Size: 1 1/4" Round Framed Print: $18. (the print will be in a square frame. 2.5" x2.5")

One of the reasons why I love to camp is being in nature & experiencing wild life in their natural state. I heard these two cooing & talking sweet nothings & was amazed at their love language! Egg Tempera on board. Framed in a simple miniature wood frame scaled to fit into your tiny display or on a tiny easel (not included) anywhere in your home. Image Size: 3"x2" Framed Print: $22.

I never thought I'd see a beautiful big horned sheep in the wild but I was blessed to see this guy while hiking around the Grand Canyon. Awesome! Framed in a simple miniature wood frame. It might be a bit large for a miniature scene unless it's a very modern contemporary one. Framed Print: $28. Image size: 3.3"x 3.25"

A couple of egrets in a swampy environment. So serene! This is a rather large miniature but will fit in a 1/12 scale room. Might even work in a 1/6 scale room for a fashion dollhouse. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Framed Print: $32. Image size: 3 3/4"x4"

A swan must be one of the most beautiful birds there is! So elegant. Framed in a miniature wood frame and very suitable for your miniature room. It looks great on one of my 4" easels.(not included) Framed Print: $15. Image size: 1 3/4"x1 1/2"

Such a sweet little calf and his mom! Framed in a miniature hardwood frame. Framed Print: $28. Image size: 3 1/2"x2 1/2"

I found these beautiful brown bears while on a camping trip in Sequoia National park. Don't get too close! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Image Size: 2 1/8"x2" Framed Print: $15.

I came across this fawn on a hike in the Livermore Hills. He was such a precious gift to me that day. I'm glad I can share him with you. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/3" x 1 3/5". Retail Price: $18.00

This monitor lizard is having a bad skin day. I was inspired to paint this creature by a trip to the Oakland Zoo. I just fell in love with the texture! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/2" x 3". Retail Price: $22.00

I spotted this sweet chipmunk while on a camping trip in Sequoia National park. Such a wonderful sight to see! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Image Size: 2 7/8" x 2 3/8" Framed Print: $25.

A trip to the zoo can really inspire you. I am fascinated by zebras and their exotic patterns. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 3 1/2" x 2 1/2." Retail Price: $25.00

I found this wonderful guy at the SF Zoo. 2"x1.5" (unframed size) Color copy, framed in a simple wooden frame: $15.00

Suitable for smaller scales. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1.5"x5". Framed Print: $8.

"Morning Grooming" There is no other animal as majestic as the Tiger! I was lucky to catch this one in a peaceful mood. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Framed Print: $28. Image size: 3 1/4"x2"

The subject of my second "How to" video! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/5" x 3". Retail Price: $22.00
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I want to thank Vicki Tan for letting me use her photos taken in Africa as reference for this painting. Don't you just love large cats! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/4" x 1 2/3". Retail Price: $22.00

This king of the jungle posed for me nicely on a visit to the San Francisco Zoo. I couldn't paint him in the zoo. I had to put him in the wild. So dignified. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 3" x 2 1/2". Retail Price: $25.00

This is Tiger. He used to live across the street from me but has decided he likes my yard better! He lives here now. Framed in a simple miniature wood frame. It might be a bit large for a miniature scene unless it's a very modern contemporary one. It looks great on the 6" easel (sold separately but with a $2. discount when sold together!) Framed Print: $28. Image size: 4"x 2 1/2"

This beautiful orange cat is lounging near a basket of flowers. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2" x 1 1/2". Retail Price: $18.00

I can't help but love to see a beautiful cat all lit up with the morning light! She was quite friendly! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/4" x 1 1/2". Retail Price: $18.00

This kitty just spotted something she considers "prey." This copy comes in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 1/2" x 1 1/4". Retail Price: $15.00

A sweet face for a Tom cat! Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame, it will look so cute in your dollhouse setting! Framed Print: $15. Image Size: 1"x.75"

My neighbor's cat had kittens and I would love to have taken one home but I couldn't. This was my way of keeping one of them! Who can resist a kitten? Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2" x 1 5/8". Retail Price: $15.00

A friend of mine was being a foster parent for the local animal shelter and I couldn't resist painting them! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2" x 1 1/3". Retail Price: $18.00

This sweet kitty came to visit me every day for a year and we became good friends. She was very curious. I set the flowers up to photograph and she jumped up on the table to investigate. I couldn't resist putting her in the painting! I miss her so. Framed in a simple wood miniature frame. Approximately 2 1/3" x 1 2/3". Retail Price: $18.00

I just love the way this kitty turned out. He has that happy look on his face that a cat gets when he's in his favorite spot. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 3/5" x 1 1/4". Retail Price: $15.00

I'm calling this the "double awe" painting. Who doesn't love puppies and kittens? I know you love them too. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Retail Price: $18.00

This adorable little dog looked so forlorn standing behind this fence. He wants his freedom for sure. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 5/8" x 2 1/6". Retail Price: $15.00

Kona is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. She belongs to a good friend who we go four wheeling with. She loves to explore the trail too! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 3" x 2 1/4". Retail Price: $25.00

This painting was commissioned by Mitzi's owner. She was very pleased with her mini of her mini. This copy is framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2" x 1 1/2". Retail Price: $15.00

This sweet golden retriever puppy came to my home for a visit and I just couldn't resist him as my next subject to paint! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 2/3" x 2 1/4". Retail Price: $18.00

When I saw this puppy on the beach I just had to have him. This copy is framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/3" x 1 5/8". Retail Price: $18.00

There's nothing as sweet as dogs enjoying the beach and meeting new friends! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximate Size Including Frame: 3 1/2"x 3 1/4" Retail Price: $28.00

This playful puppy is having a break between playtimes. He doesn't look very happy about being interrupted! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 3/5" x 2". Retail Price: $18.00

This sweet but ugly face is misleading because he really is a happy bull dog! He just looks miserable. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 1/2" x 1 3/5". Retail Price: $15.00

Every year, right about Christmas time, the Cedar Waxwings fly in on their way to somewhere else. They stay for about a week, feeding on my neighbor's berries and then they are gone. I think they are so elegant and beautiful. Don't you? Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame. Approximately 1 5/8" x 3". Retail Price: $22.00

Imagine my surprise when on my first visit to Kauai, Hawaii, we saw feral chickens everywhere! Of course these chickens would be at home in any backyard or farm house. I just thought you'd like to know that this sweet chicken family was enjoying a day at the beach. Framed in a simple wood frame. Price: $18.

I met this beautiful Osprey on my balcony while staying in Florida, 2012. An awesome moment in my life. This is quite a large piece which makes it more contemporary and it would look great in a more modern roombox. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Framed Print: $24.

Another view of the Osprey I met on my balcony while staying in Florida, 2012. An awesome moment in my life. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Framed Print: $15.

"Osprey" Framed print in a miniature hardwood frame. . Could be used in a smaller scale room. Framed Print: $8.

I know that some people don't like pigeons but I think they are beautiful with their iridescent plumage. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Image Size: 1 7/8"x1 1/4" Framed Print: $15.

I've always thought pelicans were such interesting birds. Haven't you? Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2"x3". Framed Print: $22

This scene was inspired by an amazing moment I came across when I visited a friend in May 2006. We were going for a walk when I noticed a gorgeous Egret in the nearby marsh. A Redwinged Blackbird was attacking it! I believe he was defending his nest against the predator. I felt such an honor to have witnessed this. Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame. Approximately 3 1/2" x 3". Retail Price: $25.00

My boys and I used to go over to a local pond and watch the ducks and geese. This is my favorite time of day. Late enough for the sun to be low and warm. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 5/8" x 1 1/3". Retail Price: $15.00

I love to watch the seagulls on the beach. They are so beautiful! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approx. size with frame: 2"x 2 1/8" $15.00

I love to sit by the water and watch the shore birds. They are so beautiful! Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame. Approximately 2 1/5" x 1 1/5". Retail Price: $15.00

I found this juvenile black crowned night heron in a tree at the San Franciscan Palace of Fine Arts Park. He was watching me as closely as I was watching him. Beautiful! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Image size: 1"x2.5" Framed Print: $15.

I've been wanting to paint a quail for years & I finally got to! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 1/5" x 2 1/4". Retail Price: $12.00

I just fell in love with the brilliant tropical colors and the closeness these two birds shared. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 1/6" x 2 1/4". Retail Price: $15.00

This beautiful owl lives in my in-laws yard, along with his siblings and parents! They are wonderful to watch and take care of local rodents for free! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 5/8" x 2". Retail Price: $15.00

Another parrot inspired by a visit to the Oakland Zoo. Framed in a simple wood frame. Approximately 1 1/2" x 2". Retail Price: $15.00

I am so happy with this piece! I really enjoy relaxing in my yard and watching the birds. This day we had a whole flock of robins passing through. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/3" x 1 1/3". Retail Price: $15.00

Don't you just love chickens! I sure do and this guy was so gorgeous! He belongs to some friends of mine and yes, his name is Pixie Stix. This piece won third place in the MPSGS Miniature fine art show 2006! Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame. Approximately 2" x 1 3/5". Retail Price: $18.00

I have always been fascinated by lily ponds. This one is on display at a local nursery. Framed in a simple wood frame. Approximately 3" x 2 1/5". Retail Price: $22.00

I was so enthralled with the fish at both the Monterey Bay Aquarium and the San Francisco Academy of Science, that I just had to paint them ASAP. I'm very happy with my underwater paintings. I hadn't done that before. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 3" x 2 1/2". Retail Price: $25.00

Another one of my underwater paintings inspired by my trip to the aquarium. When I was working on this I accidentally painted the background coral to look like a giant face! Can you see it? Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 2 1/5" x 1 3/5". Retail Price: $18.00

What a wonderful sight to behold, that day I went down to the beach to find this pair. My friend who knows horses said that this was a Gypsy Pony. Beautiful! Framed in a simple wooden frame. Framed Print: $26

This sweet face was encountered on an early morning walk near a friend's house in Oregon. She was very interested in meeting me and I gave her a taste of grass found nearby. Horses are so beautiful! Framed in a simple wooden miniature frame. Approximately 2" x 2 3/5". Retail Price: $22.00

This lovely horse was posing for me just like a star along side a road I happened upon one day. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 2/3" x 2 1/3". Retail Price: $22.00

This is the 1/2" scale version of this piece. You could use it in 1 in. scale as a smaller piece. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 1/5" x 1". Retail Price: $10.00

Not exactly an animal but not a person either! This lovely butterfly caught my attention while on a hike to a painting spot near Mt. Shasta CA. If anyone knows what kind of Checkerspot he is, I would love to know. Framed in a simple wooden frame. Approximately 1 2/3" x 1 1/3". Retail Price: $15.00
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